Vehicle Accidents

Vehicle AccidentThe days and weeks following a car accident, truck accident or bus accident can be a blur if you or a family member has suffered bodily injury. The personal injury attorneys at Giordano, DelCollo, Werb & Gagne, LLC will fight for you or your family member from the very start. Often folks in your position have a number of questions. Who is going to pay for your treatment? Who is going to stand up to the insurance companies? How will those responsible for your injuries be held responsible for your pain and suffering?

We Have the Answers

Your true recovery can start today. All you want is what is fair. At Giordano, DelCollo, Werb & Gagne, LLC, we understand that which is why we won’t ask you for a dime until we get you the compensation you deserve. That’s right. We don’t get paid until you get paid. Period, plain and simple. We’ll help you get the answers you are looking for and we will negotiate or litigate if necessary in order to see that you are compensated for the pain and suffering you have had to endure as the result of another’s carelessness or negligence on the roadway.

Determining Fault After a Crash

If you have been injured in a car accident, or if you have lost a loved one as a result of a truck, bus or car crash, you may be filled with any number of emotions during this confusing time. Though we will offer our sympathy to clients who are suffering, the team at Giordano, DelCollo, Werb & Gagne, LLC cannot afford to share in anger or sadness. Instead, we must traffic only in facts. In many cases, we will visit the accident scene, speak with witnesses and police in order to determine what evidence can be leveraged in determining fault after a car accident. We may look at any number of the following factors:

  • Road conditions
  • Speed of the vehicles involved
  • Alcohol and drugs
  • Road markers and signage
  • Lighting

The purpose of all of this is to establish fault in order to garner the maximum judgement or settlement on your behalf.

Fighting for Fairness

The effects of a car accident may be limited to physical pain, but more often there are mental and emotional conditions that may last a lifetime. Anxiety and stress associated with injuries can result in pain and suffering that often exceeds one’s physical scars. The attorneys at Giordano, DelCollo, Werb & Gagne, LLC will fight for your interests so that you can get the compensation you deserve. Call or contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of Delaware’s most trusted personal injury lawyers.




At Giordano, DelCollo, Werb & Gagne, LLC, our office will strive to meet all of the legal needs that you may require throughout your lifetime. Our office philosophy is: Once a Client, Always a Client. We will be there to answer any questions you may have and to assist you when needed.