When it Comes to Applying for Disability Benefits, Get it Right the First Time

Did you know that the appeals process for claims for Social Security Benefits can take one to two years in some cases? In Delaware, you do not need to have an attorney to file for disability. However, up to 65% of initial claims are denied by the Social Security Administration and those claimants are often left out of work and still fighting for their benefits. If a claim is rejected, an applicant must then file a Request for Reconsideration and in most cases, a Request for Hearing Before an Administrative Law Judge. The entire appeals process can drag on and on leaving applicants and their families tremendously frustrated and feeling hopeless.

The toughest piece of all of this is that many of the claims that are denied as a result of applicants simply omitting information due to unfamiliarity with this process. The initial claim can be tedious and confusing when trying to figure out all of the paperwork on one’s own.

At Giordano, DelCollo, Werb & Gagne, we feel that it is best to consult with our clients during the initial application phase so that we can get all of the pertinent information on paper so that the Social Security Administration has as much information as possible as they make their determination. If you have any questions about this process, call to speak with one of our attorneys today.