Types of Bankruptcy
At Giordano, DelCollo, Werb & Gagne, LLC, we specialize in helping clients file for two types of consumer bankruptcy in Delaware: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Every case is different which is why we offer a free consultation so that we can agree upon the best way forward for you and your financial situation. If you are behind on bill payment due to increasing medical bills or a change in your employment, you can count on the bankruptcy attorneys at our firm to help you determine the next steps toward financial wellness.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Delaware
Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is arguably the fastest way to liquidate your debt in the state of Delaware. Not everyone qualifies for Chapter 7 so it is best to consult with one of our attorneys to see if you do indeed qualify and if filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most responsible way forward.
Those filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy often:
- Have incurred very high credit card debt
- Owe money due to overwhelming medical bills
- Own little to no property
- Earn a small amount of income from employment or self-employment
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Delaware
Generally, those looking to file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Delaware see a way out of their current financial woes, but simply need time to sort things out. If you are looking to avoid foreclosure or vehicle repossession, but simply need temporary relief from creditors, filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy could be your best opportunity to salvage your financial well-being.
Those filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy often:
- Have significant equity in their own home and other property but fear foreclosure
- Own their own vehicle but may be facing repossession
- Suffer from tremendous federal tax debt
- Look to protect co-signers through Co-signer Stay
Finding Financial Freedom
When you are in deep debt, sometimes things can look pretty hopeless. It is time you sought help in someone who knows the way out. Whether you are drowning in debt from back taxes or medical bills, contact the offices of Giordano, DelCollo, Werb & Gagne, LLC today to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced bankruptcy lawyers today.
At Giordano & Gagne, LLC, our office will strive to meet all of the legal needs that you may require throughout your lifetime. Our office philosophy is: Once a Client, Always a Client. We will be there to answer any questions you may have and to assist you when needed.