Don’t Have a Will? Now, That’s Scary!

First off, we would like to extend best wishes of a Happy Halloween to all of the superheroes, ghouls, goblins and princesses all over the First State. We would also like to remind folks to please take it easy on the way home this evening as the little ones may be in a hurry for candy.

Of all of the scary thoughts that may visit you this time of the year, none should be more frightening than failing to get your affairs in order as it pertains to your last will and testament. A will is often considered the most basic and essential form of estate planning. Not everyone has a need for sophisticated or extensive estate planning. It’s okay if you are not in a position to establish trusts for all of your loved ones or have the necessity to determine how a bunch of real estate will be divided. While we absolutely assist clients with that sort of planning routinely, much of our work in this regard is for the that average family man or woman who simply does not want the government to decide how their personal property will be allocated after they pass away.

Establishing a will is your way of saying how you wish your assets to be transferred after you pass. This can include gifts to charity, accounting for death taxes and even allowances for minor children. Many folks also take this opportunity to stipulate their wishes for burial arrangements and memorial services. When you work with one of our attorneys, we will discuss with you any concerns you may have as it relates to finances, property and even decision making should you not be in a position to do so yourself in your final days.

Some of these decisions can be pretty heavy, but avoiding them does not do anyone any good. If you have questions about wills, estate planning or creating a trust or trusts, please reach out to our offices today.